Thursday, August 25, 2011

Going Template Gaga

Crisp, edgy, unique, and out of this world. These are the immediate words I can think of to describe Studio Basic Designs' style. They're classy too!

I love templates and if you have read my raves about them, you'll realize that I get crazy obsessed with them because I don't have the kind of imagination other scrappers have. I rely on templates and thank God I have found Studio Basic Designs! Take a closer look at some of her creations.

I always say that I am a clean and simple type of scrapper, and I think I still am, but now I have learned to experiment and modify my taste. That's what the inspiration is for right? So anyway, I love Studio Basic Designs and if you want to add more spunk with your pages, you have to take a look at her creations and die with pleasure. That I guarantee!

1 comment:

Kate C. said...

I'm a big fan of Studio Basic's templates! I got Out of the Box just a few weeks ago and LOVE it!