Monday, December 20, 2010

Preschool Worksheets

I have been slacking with creating worksheets as there are tons out there when you search for them. However, I am still going to publish these so that others will have other options for their children.

1. This one is an English Worksheet that tests the child's comprehension of the word THIS.
Click here for your worksheet.

2. This is another English Worksheet that tests the child's vocabulary and spelling.
Click here to view or download the worksheet.

3. The following worksheets are Filipino subjects. The first one is an exercise where the child supplies the first and last letters of the word according to picture.

Una at Huling Tunog

The second one is a varied activity that tests the child's Filipino reading ability.

Filipino Worksheet for Kindergarten

So there you go. I hope these worksheets will be able to help in molding the children's intellectual ability. The worksheets can be edited too and a simple thank you would be appreciated.

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