I am a fan of Juliana aka Ju Kneipp Designs from CatScrap. I attempted to apply for her CT but got rejected and that's alright since I had a chance to interact with her (and gave me freebies). To see Juliana's creations, click on her ad below.
So why do I think Juliana's hilarious? See, some 7 months ago, when she rejected my CT application, I sent her a question in twitter whether she's having a sale or not. I was mesmerized with her kits and the spendthrift in me tells me to wait until there's a big sale. Juliana didn't reply -until this morning.
After 7 long months, I was flabbergasted to see this on my twitter notification on my email.
Isn't that hilarious?! I don't even remember what I asked her but thankfully, twitter has a way to make me remember. So anyway,
Ju Kneipp Designs has a SALE! She's having 20% OFF on her selected kits at CatScrap. I suggest you go raid now for this chance may not be given in the future. Like in the next 7 months again? Hahaha! I love Ju Kneipp!